Blueberry and White Chocolate Scones


These scones were made out of regret because I had given up my plans for afternoon tea to go visit a football (soccer) stadium. When I was studying abroad in London, the school organized a picture scavenger hunt. Teams were given transportation day passes as a part of the game. I can’t remember the prize, probably a gift card, but I do remember that my friends and I signed up to take part solely for the day passes. We completely disregarded the scavenger hunt and took the opportunity instead to check places off our bucket lists.

After a visit to Abbey Road, we all decided to split up. One of my friends, a huge football fan, wanted to go to Wembley Stadium, located a good 30 minutes from Abbey Road and a good hour from Hyde Park, where I wanted to go. He convinced me to accompany him by guilt-tripping me: “It’s been my dream, and I’m going to be going into the army soon.” Also, he promised that he would go to afternoon tea with me after Hyde Park. After an extra-long bus ride, our passes didn’t apply for the zone where the stadium was located, we arrived at the stadium, took the tour, and my friend had his fanboy moments.

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Royal Albert Afternoon Tea Tour

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Sometimes, all you need is to feel like a child again.

I had heard about a truck that occasionally offers free tea to anyone who stops by, but I had no idea where to look for it.  But then, by chance, I happened to see an advertisement in the magazine Time Out London.  The truck – almost too perfectly timed – would be in Bloomsbury Square at the end of the week.

My friends and I went after class, around 12 PM, and we were first greeted by a wonderful sign that read, “Join us for tea, cake, fun, & frivolity.”  Fun and frivolity?  We knew then that we had made the right decision to go.

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